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Albanian Arabic Bosnian Danish Dutch English French German Italian Japanese Kyrgyz Norwegian Russian Spanish Swedish Turkish
28 October 2019
21 October 2019
14 October 2019
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September 2019
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28 October 2019
28 October 2019
A member of The Greens Party, Turkish-German politician Belit Onay, received top votes in the first round of the mayoral elections in Hanover, with high hopes for the second round on November 10th.
21 October 2019
21 October 2019
Pro-PKK protesters in Europe attacked 17 Turkish locations in response to Turkey’s military operation in Syria. Ankara demanded European authorities do more to protect the local Turks.
14 October 2019
14 October 2019
Promoting his new book ‘Agentterrorist’, journalist Deniz Yücel discusses his one-year detention in Turkey on an intensive two-month long book tour, in 48 cities around Germany, Austria and Switzerland. in Turkey.
8 October 2019
8 October 2019
Gezi Parkı eylemlerine finansal destek sağladığı iddiasıyla yaklaşık iki yıldır tutuklu bulunan iş insanı Osman Kavala, 8-9 Ekim'de yeniden hakim karşısında olacak. Dostları 1980'li yıllardan beri sivil toplumun gelişmesi için yaptığı çalışmalarla tanınan Osman Kavala'yı DW Türkçe'ye anlattı. İşte onların anlattıkları ve Kavala'nın hayatından önemli kesitler.
7 October 2019
7 October 2019
Commemorative tree planted in 2000 in Zwickau, Germany for NSU murder victim Enver Şimşek is found sawn off. Şimşek was the first victim of the far-right terrorist group National Socialist Underground.
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September 2019
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