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1 April 2019
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22-31 March 2019
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1 April 2019
1 April 2019
Commenting on the results of the local elections in Turkey, Yavuz Baydar, Editor in Chief for Ahval, argues that the Kurdish tactical voting has been the key factor in determining the setback for AKP.
1 April 2019
1 April 2019
Tukey's opposition CHP party candidate for Istanbul mayor, Ekrem Imamoglu, gives a press conference saying he wants to "cooperate with all institutions of Turkey to quickly meet the needs of Istanbul".
1 April 2019
1 April 2019
It's a significant setback for Turkey's President Erdogan. His AK party has lost control of the capital, Ankara in local elections and is also on the brink of defeat in Istanbul. The elections are seen as a referendum on his leadership. Many voters say they're unhappy with the way Erdogan is handling the country's economic downturn. Subscribe: For more news go to: Follow DW on social media: ►Facebook: ►Twitter: ►Instagram: Für Videos in deutscher Sprache besuchen Sie: #Turkey
1 April 2019
1 April 2019
The party of Turkey's President Erdogan has lost control of the capital, Ankara, in local elections in a setback after 16 years in power. The opposition is also ahead in the contest for mayor of the largest city, Istanbul, the election commission says.
1 April 2019
1 April 2019
Turkey's ruling party faced tough competition in Sunday's municipal elections. Voters elected mayors, assembly members, administrators and councilors for cities, neighborhoods and districts. The poll is widely seen as a referendum on Turkey's populist president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
31 March 2019
31 March 2019
In Turkey, polls have closed in the first local elections since a reform package gave President Erdogan sweeping new powers. The elections are seen as a referendum on Erdogan, and polls suggest his ruling AK Party is set for major losses. Erdogan's popularity has been hurt by the country's economic recession and the decline of the Turkish lira.
29 March 2019
29 March 2019
CGTN Rachelle Akuffo spke to CGTN's global economics analyst, Saruhan Hatipoglu, about the factors behind the downfall of Turkish economy ahead of local elections.
28 March 2019
28 March 2019
Turkey and Russia have begun independent, co-ordinated patrols in the Tel Rifaat region of northern Syria. Turkey's Defense Ministry says it's trying to strengthen a ceasefire for the area that was drawn up between Moscow and Ankara. Our Middle East Correspondent Sara Firth has been speaking to a family displaced from Tel Rifaat.
27 March 2019
27 March 2019
Turkey is gearing up for local elections on Sunday. Over 57 million voters across the country will choose mayors, counselors and local chiefs known as "muhtars." With the Turkish economy in shambles, President Erdogan's ruling AK party faces a tough challenge. Sunday's vote is being seen as a referendum on his rule.
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22-31 March April 2019
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